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The gift of stress free kids

Today’s young people face immense pressures to achieve, to keep up and fit in within

Side stretch

Palvinder doing dynamic Dru yoga!

an overwhelming world of adults, as well as dealing with their own emotional and physical changing world. Children in England are apparently “among the unhappiest in world” the BBC reported in 2015, blaming low self confidence, low body image and schools having to behave like “exam factories”. I find this so sad.

We can help our young people though, and Dru Yoga offers plenty of tools, including Peace Projects for schools and youth groups, and weekly yoga and even retreats for kids and teens. With this in mind, Inside Out tutor, Palvinder is keen to start a Family Dru Yoga course, aimed at kids between 7 – 13, with a parent or guardian. The first one starts Wednesday November 1st – November 29th, 6 – 6.45pm at our Acanthus Golf Centre studio in Thorpe. It’s a 5 week course, just £40 (price is for 2 places – one child and one adult).

The aim of this course is to not only to provide some tools for young people to learn to manage physical & emotional stresses of everyday life, but to also provide an opportunity to have some fun learning time with the adults in their lives through the use of mindful movements of Dru Yoga and breath awareness.

Palvinder hopes that this series of yoga sessions will be an opportunity for both the young people and the adults to start creating a foundation for connecting and discovering their own inner stillness, their own potentials. A useful life skill for everyone!

As a fully trained Children’s Dru Yoga teacher (DBS checked), Palvinder will be teaching key Dru Yoga postures, sequences, awareness of breath and relaxation at all levels, providing participants with deep stillness in the physical, mental (psychological) and emotional body, as well as enhancing deeper inner awareness.

Here are some of the benefits you and your child can expect to gain from the course:

  1. stretches and strengthens key postural muscles

  2. develops co-ordination & balance

  3. teaches focus, concentration and control

  4. teaches body and mind awareness

  5. helps you to come to a place of stillness & calmness

  6. breathing practices develops healthy lungs & reduces stress & anxiety

  7. sparks imaginative creativity

But most of all, IT’S FUN & ENJOYABLE!

Please do get in touch if you’d like further information or to book your places (places are limited), and please do share this post with anyone you think might benefit.

I’ll leave you with a quote from the Dalai Lama on the importance of peace, and is perhaps why a lack of peace could be the reason behind so much unhappiness :

“Inner peace is the key: if you have inner peace, the external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquility…without this inner peace, no matter how comfortable your life is materially, you may still be worried, disturbed, or unhappy because of circumstances.” – Dalai Lama

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