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Writer's pictureIsabel

Silver linings

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

It was only 2 weeks ago that I was on an amazing meditation retreat, at the Dru centre in Snowdonia, yet it seems a lifetime away, a time when the world was completely!

These are interesting (challenging!) times for sure and whilst I certainly don’t have all the answers on how best we can manage the situation we find ourselves in, I thought I would share some of the positives I am focusing on. We are where we are, we can’t moan things better (and believe me I’ve tried!), but we can choose how we respond to the challenges to ensure that we come through this stronger.

I am very much focusing on wellness not illness, love not fear, abundance not lack. Here are some of the silver linings I’m discovering…


There have been some fabulous pictures of the skies over Wuhan province, previously shrouded in pollution, there are now blue skies and clean air. Fish have returned to the canals of Venice. In my urban garden I can hear the birds singing. On my daily walk I am not jostling against the traffic. The shut down is undoubtedly hard, but it has given the earth a chance to breathe and start to heal, showing us what a beautiful planet we live on. I am making the most of this by doing some yoga outside in the garden, listening to the birds and the lawn mowers, feeling the warmth of the sun, fully immersing myself in the natural world for a few moments of calm.


I am taking the best care of myself, following my ayurvedic diet and lifestyle recommendations (almost) to the letter!! My focus is on nourishing meals cooked from scratch with plenty of vegetables and all the good things that suit my dosha. Taking all my herbs and potions. Bed before 11pm, working towards before 10pm but not quite there yet. Plus the early nights mean I’m up earlier giving me even more time for my yoga and meditation. I’m keeping up with my weekly PT session, now on line. I’m making time for at least 2 relaxations a day, which I feel I need, and making sure I get a brisk walk every day. Not only that but as I’m not able to go out, the temptations have been dramatically reduced! I fully intend to come out this stronger, fitter and healthier than before.


Like many other people I am having to adapt how I work so that I can manage financially in this ever changing landscape. I find technology very stressful, and if I’m honest boring which is why I’ve never made an effort to get to grips with it! The current situation though has pushed me out of my comfort zone. I’ve had to learn how to teach and connect with people on line, and it didn’t turn out to be nearly as onorous as anticipated, it was my mind set that had to change. Now I’m starting to get a bit more familiar with this new way of working I have a feeling that I am going to enjoy it and I can see potential for how I can use this in the future.

I’m also planning to use this time to put a bit more effort into my learning Italian course, along wtih learning to knit and see if I discover the joy of gardening – which up to press I have never found, but really wish I liked it!


I’m normally zipping about all day – to various classes, to the studio, running errands. I find myself now with an appointment free schedule and a day to fill as it suits me (well sort of, I do seem to have been glued to my lap top the last 2 weeks…). I know this is not my of working long term but for now I am seeing how I can get the most from my days. Making sure that I block in time for essential rest, exercise and creative time. The plan is that is will give me much needed time to look at my business and catch up on admin tasks (oh joy!). It’s also giving me time to spend more time with hubby (we are usually like ships passing in the night) and my little puppy.


I don’t think that needs any further explanation! Starting at the top and working my way down. Ignoring the loft for now, as that’s where I’m having to store all the bags for charity. Oh, and I did just find a pack of chestnuts at the back of a kitchen cupboard that ran out of date in 2003…


Times of crises do seem to bring out the very worst and the very best in people. From my point of view I have seen and heard of many many acts of selflessness and kindness. I’m taking time, particularly at the end of my meditation to giving thanks to those who are working tirelessly to keep us all safe, well and fed. For many years I have made a gratitude list (10 things) before I go to bed and it is so easy to fill at the moment, I have so much to be grateful for. This helps me to feel positive, abundant and grounded.

I hope this blog has been of interest. Let’s stay connected, stay grounded and stay positive as best we can. Listen to your heart, rather than your ego and we will come out of this stronger and more focused on what is truly important to us. Stay well. Sending much love to you all. Isabel

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