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Dru Yoga teacher Isabel Carter started practising yoga regularly 30 years ago and has been teaching Dru Yoga and Meditation full time for 20 years. She has been teaching others to be Dru Yoga teachers since 2006.

Through these blog posts, Isabel shares her insights regarding diet and nutrition, exercise, yoga and meditation to help you keep your sparkle. 

Please enjoy, share and contribute her posts where you can.

Yoga Blog: Text

A lesson in letting go

In my last blog, I talked about some of the lessons I have learned whilst injured and in particular about the quality of acceptance. In...

Yoga to nourish your tummy

Here’s the third blog in my series about using yoga to help you maintain a healthy weight. This time I’m going to look at how our yoga...

Peace in your hands

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation”. H H Dalai Lama....

Relax and lose weight!

If you’ve been doing all those lovely Goddess poses I suggested for home practice in my last blog, you are probably going to be thrilled...

The power of silence

As some of you know, I’ve been lucky enough to spend a few days of this new year away on a meditation retreat, at the Dru centre in...

Wrinkle free yoga

Happy New Year! I promised you last time that I would share some ancient yogic wisdom for staying wrinkle free and these ideas are Cow...

Happy birthday to me ….

Happy Birthday to Me It’s my birthday today, hooray, I love birthdays! Yes, I know, a birthday marks another year passed, and I’m another...

Never regret your old age…

My Nan at 90 “Never regret your old age – it’s a privilege denied to many”, I’ve no idea who said these wise words but I do like them. ...

Restorative bedtime yoga

I was recently asked a great question by an innovative mattress design company, Casper (check out for...

Yoga Blog: Blog2
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